Realising the potential of the next generation

Tanzania has made positive progress in recent years but challenges remain, perhaps the biggest one being how to capitalise on the demographic dividend. Realising the potential of young people in Tanzania will determine whether the country can make the leap towards a brighter and more prosperous future. This research seeks to have better understanding of key issues as perceived by the youth as priorities in a post-election environment. Armed with these information, national and international policymakers will be more equipped to recognise the social and economic potential of the next generation.


Who is involved?

  • Sample size of 3,000 young people aged 15-24.

How is data collected?

  • Semi- structured interviews 
  • Focus Groups (180 youth)
  • Online Survey 500 youth
  • 2,500 data collection

Which regions are included?

  • Arusha
  • Dar es Salaam
  • Dodoma
  • Mtwara
  • Mwanza
  • Zanzibar