One hundred years ago the First World War set the course for the modern world; for the countries that took part nothing would be the same again. In this British Council and BBC World Service series we look at the impact of the war from around the globe.
It’s remembered as a European conflict, but one hundred years ago the British and German Empires also fought the First World War in East Africa, involving whole populations in the struggle over present-day Tanzania.
For this special debate from Dar Es Salaam, the BBC’s Audrey Brown will be joined by expert historians and a live audience at the British Council. A guest speaker will present a specially commissioned Essay exploring the Tanzanian memory of The Great War in East Africa.
A radio recording of The war that changed the world: Tanzania and the Colonial war will be broadcast across the world by the BBC World Service. BBC Radio 3 will broadcast the specially commissioned essay in an international series bringing together World War One contributions from cultural figures around the world.
Make history with the British Council and the BBC: come and join the debate.
The event will be in English.
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